In 2016, at the Wembly Arena, Nick Blackwell and Eubank Jr met for a boxing match. Both boxers were breathing heavily. For every punch that Eubank made, Blackwell tried to hit back.
Eubank was clearly winning…
No matter how hard Eubank hit Blackwell, Blackwell always came back for more. He was the embodiment of resilience, no matter how much pressure he was under, he stood there and took it and did his best to fight back. That is, until the referee stopped the match in the 10th round.
A closed left eye and blood coming from his nose - the boxer, Nick Blackwell was finally taken to hospital on a stretcher while receiving oxygen.
It’s the same in life and in business. A person or team can only tolerate stress for so long until that final punch gets them...
Resilience will eventually turn into fragility.
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