What has the sinking of the Titanic got to do with the modern hybrid organisation?
Communication problems, that’s what.
The Titanic was the greatest ship of its time. It was the Edwardian equivalent of the Airbus 380, designed to transport a large number of passengers quickly and safely across the Atlantic.
All of the elements in the story of the sinking of the Titanic can be abstracted out and seen every day in any large organisation. This is particularly true when it comes to communication breakdowns. The Titanic and the events surrounding it serve as a metaphor for the modern hybrid organisation.
Like the Titanic, modern hybrid organisations are technologically complex. There is frequently an overreliance on technology to manage systems (resulting in a decrease in developing robust human systems) and a belief that technology will save us. Because everyone had the brief that the Titanic was unsinkable, they underestimated the risk. The Titanic was unsinkable... until it sank. Too Big to Fail is a book by journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin about the collapse of the Wall Street bank Lehman Brothers (Sorkin, 2010). Of course, Lehman Brothers (and Barings Bank) were too large to fail, just as the Titanic was too large to sink.
The radio operators on the Titanic were overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks, just as we are often overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks at work and struggle to see the bigger picture. We have a tendency to overlook what is important…
If you lead a team that frequently works remotely or in a hybrid environment, you maybe interested in my free 45 minute webinar. You will gain insights to improve communication, strengthen team cohesion, and effectively manage your team, regardless of their location.
Wednesday 4th September 2024, midday UK time.
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In the meantime, you might like to listen to my latest podcast on communication and the Titanic.
Listen here.